
Georgia HOSA participates with the Department of Education on CTSO Day at the Georgia Capital each year. See below for some information to help you plan your day at the Capital.

When:     February 5th, 2025

Where:    Georgia Capital

                    206 State Capitol, Atlanta, Georgia 30334

What:       CTSO Day at the Capital is an opportunity for Georgia HOSA chapters to

                  advocate for CTSO & CTAE Education. It is a chance to schedule a meeting

                  with your representatives to share with them your HOSA journey. 

Information: Georgia Department of Education schedules a photo opportunity with the Office of the Governor. This typically occurs around 9am (Official time to be released at a later date) Local HOSA chapters in attendance schedule the remainder of their day. 

How to schedule a visit with your local representative. Use this link to find your Representative and reach out via phone or email information given to schedule a time to meet with the Representative for your area. Make sure to bring "leave behinds" This is information to share with the Representative about your CTSO and further inform them about CTSO/CTAE. Some chapters do this by having members write letters to their Representative sharing what CTSO/CTAE has done for them or their HOSA Journey. This is a great way to include members who might not be able to attend. Also include information about your chapter. How many members? Events attended. What are some good things you have done in the community, etc...

Other things to do at the Capital: THe Georgia State Capital is a beautiful building with many photo opportunities. You can also use the following links for other Capital activities:

Both The House & Senate have sessions during the day. Students can go into Chambers and observe. They must follow strict guidelines given by the chambers attendants and represent their CTSO well.

Scavenger Hunts

Schedule a Tour

Self-Guided Tours

Map of the Capital

Please join Georgia HOSA this year for CTSO Day at the Capital. Chat with your other CTSOs and see if you can join together as all CTSOs for Georgia will be in attendance!


**Be sure to check the 2 links on the agenda for additional information.