Chapter Spotlight: Atlanta Classical Academy First SLC Experience

Hi my name is Jayna Patel, I am President of my school's HOSA chapter. This year I had attended my first HOSA SLC and it was such an amazing experience. It started off with the first day and I was amazed as to how helpful and kind everyone was. The opening session was a life changing experience, I realized how much the phrase “Towards Tomorrow” had an impact on me. The guest speaker Nick Tokman was so inspirational when he spoke to us about how he came to where he was today and how he overcame his challenges. I met so many new people that talked to me about how HOSA has impacted them. What really caught my attention at the conference was the 3-D Anatomage workshop that I attended, where I had the opportunity to perform a surgery on a Cadaver through their anatomage machine. I was exposed to so many different opportunities at SLC, I cannot wait to attend the next HOSA conference.

Daphne Dale