Chapter Spotlight: Charlissia Head Clinches First Place at 2023 HOSA SLC

In a remarkable achievement, Charlissia Head secured first place at the 2023 HOSA State Leadership Conference for Interviewing Skills. The competition drew participants from across the state, highlighting the skills and leadership of future healthcare professionals. On September 19, 2024, Charlissia was celebrated during Lamar County High School’s Fall CTAE Advisory/Stakeholder Luncheon, where she received a championship ring in recognition of her outstanding performance. This honor not only reflects her hard work and commitment but also inspires her peers to strive for excellence in their own pursuits. Charlissia's journey to the top has been marked by rigorous preparation and stands as a testament to her potential and determination. The school community and faculty are incredibly proud of Charlissia's accomplishments, viewing her success as a bright example of student leadership. As she looks ahead to her future in the medical field, there’s no doubt that this is just the beginning for this promising young leader.

Nikki Bentley