Chapter Spotlight: Jordan Vocational High School Celebrates HOSA

In celebration of HOSA during November and December for the 2019-2020 school year, the HOSA club members at Jordan Vocational High School participated in a couple of activities, one in which members wrote a letter of appreciation to one or more of their teachers who have made an impact in their lives. Secondly, HOSA members participated in a magnet open house to inform and encourage upcoming new students to be a part of the HOSA club. Thirdly, we launched a toy drive in an effort to collect toys for children and delivered them to a local homeless shelter. In addition to collecting toys, the members had the opportunity to gift wrap at Barnes and Noble and tell customers about HOSA. The HOSA club here at Jordan continues to strive to look for ways to be visible in our community and explore service opportunities.

Daphne Dale