Chapter Spotlight: THINC College and Career Academy
Big Things Happening at THINC
Check out the amazing things happening at THINC!
“THINC HOSA has kicked off the 2021-2022 school year with so much enthusiasm. We are only about a month into our school year and we have already accomplished so many exciting things.
We have affiliated almost 100 members for this school year. This surpasses our record by almost 40! We are so thrilled to have so many students interested in our chapter. Our influx in members couldn’t have come at a better time as we were able to add a third advisor to our team: Mrs. Beth Evans!
We have already begun our World’s Finest Chocolate fundraiser and had multiple students return the money for their box THE NEXT DAY. We are already planning for a second shipment of chocolate. With this many students actively participating in our fundraiser, we plan to order several new blazers and give back to our community in a few fun ways! This also helps us to keep our cost down on our trips. For example, for FLC, our students will only be paying $70!
We have begun planning for Fall Blood Drive. Our students can participate in the blood drive in three ways: being a HOSA helper assisting in the actual running of the event, donating blood, and recruiting people to donate blood! When we posted our sign-up sheet for the limited number of HOSA Helper positions, it was completely filled the same day.
And this engagement and enthusiasm isn’t only in our HOSA Chapter. It’s in our entire building. At THINC College and Career Academy, we also host an Officer Training Day where all officers from all of our schools’ CTSOs come together and learn some of the skills it takes to have a successful school year. The CTSOs at our school include: HOSA, FBLA, DECA, TSA, VEX Robotics, and Greenpower. This year, at our school-wide officer training, we hosted 37 motivated and dedicated officers. These officers developed budgets and calendars for their entire year. We did team bonding exercises and games, learned our leadership types, talked about the importance of being present on social media! We also set a goal: All of our CTSOs should work together this year. We should be helping each other and learning together. We want to encourage our members to participate in what the other groups have going on. Our first opportunity to do this is with our service projects.
We will have four school wide service projects that all six of our CTSOs will participate in: Good SAM Backpack Buddy, Operation Christmas Child, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, and our bi-annual Red Cross Blood Drives. At our first Good SAM packing of the year (pictured), we had 20 students from different groups participate. For reference, in past years, our average number of students to participate in this was about 4.
It is THINC HOSA’s sincerest hope that all chapters around the state and nation are having this upswing in participation and engagement as well!”