E-Magazine: Healthcare Careers Outside of the Stereotype
Healthcare Careers Outside of the Stereotype
Everyone has heard of a nurse, doctor, surgeon, or even a physician assistant, but do you know what a nuclear medicine technician does? What about a perfusionist, a travel nurse, or even a pedorthist? These are some unique and interesting healthcare careers that you have probably never even heard of. In this e-magazine, we are going to spotlight some creative jobs that fall outside the normal healthcare industry stereotype!
What is a nuclear medicine technician? This career consists of a specialist who is able to administer patients small doses of radioactive substances in order to treat their condition or disease. The radioactive material given to patients is called radiopharmaceuticals. If this career sounds appealing to you then be sure to check it out on the internet!
The second aforementioned career is a perfusionist. A perfusionist is a career that is vitally important is surgery. Their main job is to assume the role of respiration when a surgeon has to operate on someone’s heart when it is still. The machines that perfusionists use to control a patient’s respiration are collectively called extracorporeal circulation equipment. Their main place of work is in a hospital’s operating room. If you are interested in working in an operating room, then a perfusionist career might be the choice for you!
We all have either heard, seen, met, or been related to a nurse, but do you know a travel nurse? Essentially, a travel nurse is just a registered nurse who works in short-term roles all around the world. Did you know that a traveling nurse can move around the country in a matter of months in order to help hospitals that are struggling from nursing shortages? If you are excited to work in healthcare, but are tempted to travel the world, then maybe you should consider becoming a travel nurse!
The last outside-of-the-box career is a pedorthist. This career field uses pedorthics devices to treat a patient's foot, ankle, or lower-extremity with a condition. Essentially, a perdorthist is very knowledgeable about any possible issues that can happen in the lower region of the legs and feet, as well as the best ways to treat those conditions.
All three of these careers are unique and important to the healthcare industry and there are even more jobs in this industry than someone could learn about in one day! Remember everyone is not always a nurse, doctor, or surgeon--it takes all of these careers to take care of a patient!
-Casey Hinshaw