E-Magazine: Resolutions Revisited

Think back to New Years: the starry-eyed optimism, perhaps the exhaustion, and the hope you had for 2021. At the beginning of this year your state officer team made themselves some “resolutions” with a SMART twist. Most resolutions start off as overly ambitious, vaguely stated goals that are often nearly impossible to put into action. To turn resolutions into something worth pursuing, we fell on the SMART acronym to make the most out of our year!  We hope that you were able to do the same, while taking inspiration from your SEC. Continue reading below to find out how these resolutions panned out.

From your State Reporter Ekta Anand: 

Well, it’s now the end of January, and keeping up with my resolution of going to bed at 10:45 has been harder than I thought. While having my mom as an accountability partner did help, she couldn’t monitor me ALL the time, and a lot of it did come down to self-control and putting the phone away myself. I have made progress! My bedtime is now comfortably at 11:15. Still have some time to go, but I’m motivated by my progress to achieve it! I know it’s difficult to encourage yourself to do things that you don’t really want to do, but always think about the end result, and how you’ll be a happier person at the end of the journey.

From your State Secretary Casey Hinshaw:

The resolution that I created was to use my time wisely. I picked this resolution because, as a senior in highschool, I have a limited amount of time left at home with my family and with my friends in high school. Moving into February, I feel that I have made steps towards my goal, by choosing to stay off my phone and spend time with the important people in my life. Besides having to complete all of my school work online, I have made a lot of progress towards turning my resolution into life-practice. Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep this up all of 2021! Good luck on your own resolutions!

From your State President Elect Reema Chande: Reflecting back on the past few weeks of 2021, my journey to becoming the most hydrated version of myself has definitely been rocky. Because of the demands of online school, remembering to get up, go downstairs, and drink water often fell to the wayside. In the end, I did consistently drink 7-8 cups of water per day, but my goal was near 10. Despite not meeting my goal, simply dedicating myself to improvement, rather than perfection was the real benefit of my SMART goal. With February ahead, I feel regrouped to continue taking on this goal, as I hope you do as well!

From your State Vice President James Wilson: From the beginning of this year, my resolution has been to spend more time with friends and family. Though it's been challenging this year, we try and do anything we can to spend quality time together whether that's getting dinner or working out in a socially distanced way. I’m definitely still working on this goal as we move into the next month, and I hope you are all doing the same!

From your State President Faith-Ediae Holly: Hey everyone! So far, I have kept up with my resolution of exercising more. I have gone on long walks and did at home workouts pretty much this first month of the new year, but hopefully next month I will be able to do more intense exercises in a gym setting. Overall, I have a better feeling about my resolution now than I did when the new year began, that’s for sure! I hope everyone can share their own progress with their resolutions as well, and I cannot wait to read them!

Daphne Dale