E-Magazine: Staying Healthy During the Winter

Packing up the shorts and pulling out the jackets: a telltale sign of winter. With Georgia already in its winter seasons, it’s important we remember to stay safe and keep healthy during the cold weather. Many of us often get colds or the flu during this time which obviously doesn’t feel great, so we must try to do our best to avoid catching them in the first place. 

It is first vital we understand why the cold and flu seasons occur during the colder months. The main reason for the prevalence of these viruses is due to people being huddled inside. Since it is freezing cold outside, we want to stay inside where it’s nice and warm, but this leads to viruses spreading more easily between people. These viruses transmit easier in enclosed spaces such as between people in your household, peers at school, and anywhere else people are grouped together inside. Additionally, the cold, dry air increases the chances of getting the virus. This is due to the winter having lower humidity, so the little bit of moisture surrounding the virus evaporates, allowing the virus to remain in the air for longer periods of time and more time for you to breathe it in. 

Now that we understand what leads to the easier and rampant spread of these viruses, we can take effective measures to do our best to avoid catching them. When you're in enclosed spaces, try your best to wash your hands as much as possible or use hand sanitizer when you can’t immediately wash your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, as viruses can easily enter your body through them. Disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as kitchen countertops and doorknobs to avoid spreading the viruses. If you can, wear a mask in indoor areas where there are a lot of people. Avoid close contact with people who are sick, and do the same if you are the one who is not feeling well. Additionally, it's important to be careful around others when you are sick. Stay home when you're not feeling well and cover your nose and mouth when you have to sneeze or cough. To combat the low humidity in the air, try getting a humidifier for your room, so you can put some moisture back in the air and breathe a little easier. And as always, maintain other healthy living habits such as eating healthy and getting enough sleep.

If you do end up getting sick, don’t worry. Here are a few tips to help you feel a little better. First and foremost, if you aren’t feeling well, go see a doctor, since they will have the best answer on getting you better. The best thing you can do when you’re sick is to just get rest; let your body do what it needs to do. Roll up in your bed and catch up on all those hours of sleep. Next, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drink plenty of fluids; water should be the number one liquid, but tea and soup are other great ways to keep you hydrated and feeling better. Eat some healthy food. Nutrition plays a big role in our bodies and immune system, so it is important to eat well when your body is fighting off viruses. Foods such as garlic, ginger, and soups are great ways to nourish yourself while also helping your body. 

I hope this information and tips are helpful to you and your families during these cold months. Getting sick isn’t the best feeling, but there are a lot of ways you can feel a little better and help your body fight off these pesky little invaders. From distancing when sick to drinking a lot of water, use a few or more of these tips to get through cold and flu seasons. If you have any wintertime remedies, comment them down below! As always, stay happy and healthy! 

Daphne DaleComment