Chapter Spotlight: Chattahoochee High School HOSA Spring Activities
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Chapter Spotlight – Chattahoochee High School HOSA Spring Activities
Bringing Love to the NICU
Recently, Chattahoochee High School HOSA delivered their third monthly batch of 85 NICU nametags to their local Northside Hospital System! This project has created hundreds of nametags to help nurses decorate bassinets in the neonatal intensive care units for babies and their loving parents. Putting together drawings and decorations, members made delightful and creative cards to bring comfort among the medical equipment and monitors. Hooch HOSA also worked alongside the Chattahoochee Beta Club, National Honors Society, and Media Specialist to create these fun, comforting nametags. Students added splashes of color, patterned borders, and various animal stickers to give the infants a bright introduction to the world. It is a memorable activity to add our own touches of love and childhood joy into the nametags! From dinosaurs to flower decorations, Chattahoochee High School HOSA (Hooch HOSA) looks forward to continuing this project in the coming years!
Happy Spring to the Community
With the spring season blooming, Chattahoochee HOSA brought spring joy to nearby hospice and nursing home patients with Happy Easter and Spring cards. On April 1st, our HOSA members gave over 150 cards to Capstone Hospice to distribute among Hospice Patients and local Nursing Home facilities! Students wrote heartwarming messages like “may this spring be as beautiful as you” and “you are a special some-bunny” in addition to touching poems and fun drawings. Members hoped to share happiness with hospice and nursing home patients, especially when COVID-19 has made visiting challenging. They loved bringing smiles to the community, and Hooch HOSA intends to offer more hospice opportunities in the future!