Chapter Spotlight: East Hall High School

The East Hall High School HOSA chapter hosted an American Red Cross blood drive on April 19, 2022. HOSA members worked diligently to deliver appointment slips to student donors in their first class of the day and made sure each student donor made it back to class safely after donation.

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Daphne DaleComment
Chapter Spotlight: Richmond Hill High School

Richmond Hill High School HOSA expressed their gratitude to Healthcare Workers by creating “Project Appreciation”. Project Appreciation consisted of RHHS HOSA members soliciting the assistance of FBLA, FCCLA and the student body to handwrite over 250 cards of gratitude, thanks, and appreciation to healthcare workers in facilities to include Memorial Health University Medical Center, The Dwaine & Cynthia Children’s Hospital, and the J.C. Lewis Health Care Center all in Savanah as well as Atrium Health Navicent Medical Center in Macon, GA.

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Daphne DaleComment